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Children's Ministry

At Louisburg Baptist Temple, we believe that learning should be fun. Our seasoned teachers teach age-appropriate Bible lessons, activities, drama, puppet shows, and songs, which help your child to build a spiritual foundation on which they can build their lives.


Sunday School - All Ages
Sunday School begins at 9:30am. We are committed to offering your child a safe and caring environment in which they can experience the Word of God. Through a well planned, age appropriate Bible lesson and activity, God’s
Word is presented in each classroom. View Photos

Nursery - Birth thru 3 years
Fenced in and adult supervised playground at Louisburg Baptist TempleOur children’s ministry begins at birth. The nursery is available for Sunday School at 9:30am and 10:30 Contemporary Worship Service. Our nurseries are staffed with specially trained workers who adhere to strict rules of care and cleanliness. We will nurture, and pray for your little one while you attend services. View Photos

Kidz Klub - Kindergarten thru 6th grade
Kidz Klub is held every Sunday morning during the 10:45 worship service. In Kidz Klub, we teach God’s truth with passionate teachers who believe in the
importance of helping our children build a foundation in scripture. With interactive stories, crafts, and games, our children are learning great lessons from God’s Word. We teach the children how to apply these truths to their everyday lives.

AWANA - Ages 2 thru High School
Awana Clubs is offered for all kids ages 2 thru high school at Louisbur Baptist TempleAWANA’s is held every Sunday evening @ 4:00 pm. This is an interactive program that teaches our children the Word of God and prepares them to go out into the world to serve Him. They have so much fun during this time memorizing scripture through games and other activities. Children earn AWANA bucks for the Bible verses they memorize and can spend them at our awesome AWANA store.

Vacation Bible School - All Ages
VBS is held each summer at Louisburg Baptist Temple. We have a great team of experienced workers who go all out for the kids in our community. You will always find something new and exciting at our VBS. Most importantly, God’s Word is presented in everything we do.

Kidz Kamp - 4th thru 6th grade
Fenced in and adult supervised playground at Louisburg Baptist TempleKidz Summer Kamp is an awesome time for children in our community. All
kids, age 4th-6th grade, are invited to spend a few days away from all of the
hustle and bustle of activities and focus on God’s plan for their lives.

Kidz Winter Kamp is for all kids currently participating in Kidz Klub. It is a
time when our church family can spend time getting to know each other thru
play and worship. Each year we have a pizza party and an ice cream sundae
building contest. To offset the cost of Kidz Summer Kamp, we offer 2 fundraisers a year.

Social Events - All Ages
We believe that building Christian friendships is very important. We plan
regular activities such as roller-skating parties, fall festivals, nursing home visits, slumber parties, and holiday parties to offer children time for supervised Christian socialization.

Performing Arts - All Ages
We believe that if we give our children the opportunity to present God’s Word
through performance at a very young age; it will set the stage for them for life. We give our children the opportunity to serve the church body on our Next
Generation Sunday. This is a day set aside especially for them to learn how to
perform an entire church service; from music to offering to the sermon. Every year our children perform a heartwarming Christmas drama that reaches
adults and kids alike. View Photos

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